Saturday, October 31, 2009

First Day of Filming

Today was our first day of filming for the HPW project I'm working on: "Little". We only had a few hiccups, including a flaming Styrofoam cup, me zoning while fulfilling 1st A.D. roles, and lunch arriving late, but overall, we had a great time. The team works great together, the cast is supportive and always willing to help, and we got 2/3 of the script done. Hopefully we don't have to do re-shoots!

Tomorrow is our second and last day of planned shooting. We may have to do ADR to get the sound quality we need on the voices, as the location we have is rather loud (sorry Esther and Jonathan!), and we may need to do re-shoots. But our call time is at least at 7:30am and daylight savings time starts tomorrow. So whoo-hoo for extra sleep!

For Halloween, Jonathon, Dave, Kerena, Hani, Gabe, and I went to Chipotle. We dressed up in tinfoil and got free burritos, and stopped by the Duff's house twice to score free candy. Delicious! And even better company. This upcoming Thursday is the LAFSC Halloween party, however, and I plan to dominate the costume contest! Even if my Youtube costume doesn't fit into the "Favorite TV Character" theme...

I think being up early (5:45am) for this morning's call time of 6:30am has made me tired, thus making me contemplative. So here is my musings that have nothing to do with filming: have you ever wondered who has written about you in their journal? I thought that today as I walked with some friends back. There are so many memories jam packed into my journal, and so many names that are mentioned once, twice, sometimes more. Often there are good things written in association with that name, and other times there are not so nice thoughts. In the end, though, that name and that person are still being remembered.

I wonder who takes the time to remember me in their journal. I wonder if it's good. Do they have a crush on me, or are dying to tell me something about themselves or me, but can't or don't have the guts? Would I want to know who writes about me, and what they write about? I know that my own journal entries, particularly about guys I have liked, would cause me to die from their sporadic and often up-and-down nature. But I bet, deep down, the people I write about would - for the most part - be flattered. I've always wanted to know how they would react, and if they've written about me back.

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